Japanese Lessons|Translation|Writing

I am a Maidstone-in-Kent-based, multilingual, award-winning language specialist.

Trusted by over 200 customers worldwide! including :

My Services

Let me help you reach the next level of your business! All my experience and my brain are available for you. Let’s talk about your project. Don’t hesitate to get in touch!

I Write.

Articles, columns and blogs in the area of food and drink, culture, education, language, travel and health in Japanese and English. Content creation to get the results you want. 

I Translate.

Websites, video and documents from Japanese to English and English to Japanese. Transcreation, copywriting, editing and proofreading.

I Teach.

Japanese for all levels to improve writing, reading, speaking, listening and grammar. English for beginners.  In 2024, beginners and intermediate level only.

Japanese shop

In addition to the current service, Japanese gift/craft shop pages will be added. We will sell adorable Japanese goods that everyone loves!  99% of our products are made in Japan. So, the quality is guaranteed. We plan to sell lovely gift goods, such as beckoning cats, crafted bookmarks, hair clips, etc. 

My Portfolios

I am a multiple-award-winning language specialist. I have worked with prominent businesses and individuals since 2017.

My clients are over 200, including NTT Docomo, Hennessy, Japan Food Journal, Gakken Gets Navi, Cerezo Osaka Football Club, Omi Travel, and others.

Please check out my recent content creation and translation!


“ Junko always creates quality content and excels at writing material that is compelling and interesting for our readers. Thanks to that, the number of viewers has been increasing, not only from Japan but also all over the world! ”

M Ladies Clinic

About Japanshu

Hi, my name is Junko. I am behind Japanshu.

I am a language specialist with postgraduate qualifications and teaching certificates. My mission is to help people to achieve their goals with my services: writing, translation and teaching. With extensive hands-on experience, I produce quality work on time.

Japanshu! “Shu” means a hand or hands in Japanese. I wish to be your right hand person to exceed your goals. I  live in England with my English husband. Two children live in Japan and the UK respectively. We travel to Japan every year to update information and collect authentic teaching materials for my students!